SB DX @ WW $OPDX.257 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 257 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 257 BID: $OPDX.257 June 10, 1996 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, WA3YVN, W5IJU & Island News, AA5DX, NL7TB, K8YSE, CT1ENQ & NPDXG, DF4RD, DL7VOA, DL9GOA & DX News Letter, EI7DNB, F6ARA & LNDX, G3ZYP, G4BUE & DX News Sheet, GB2ATG & BARTG, HA0DU, HA0HW, JA1IDY, PA3BIZ, VE9AA and YV5EED for the following DX information. 3Z, POLAND. Activity by 3Z0WAW has been heard on all bands (including the WARC bands), CW and SSB at various times through out the day. This is a special event station in Poland to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the transfer of the capital city from Cracow to Warsaw by Zygmunt III Waza. Length of activity is unknown. QSL via SP5PBE. 4M5, VENEZUELA (IOTA ALERT!). A group of 16 Venezeulan operators will activate Los Roques Island, SA-35, to celebrate Venezuelan Navy Day. Operation will take place from July 18-21st. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY, satellite, VHF packet and 6 and 2 meters. The callsign will be 4M5LR and QSLs go to WS4E. 5V, TONGO. Roy, DL7UBA, and Lars, DL7ALM, have been very active as 5V7HR and 5V7ML, respectively, and will continue to do so until June 18th. Their activity seems to be mainly CW, but some SSB operations have been reported. Activity will be on all bands including the WARC bands. QSL via the homecalls. 9H, MALTA. On a combination holiday/DXpedition, operators Frits/PA0BEA, Bill/PA3BIZ, Teun/PA0TPM, Peter/PE1NZA, Anton/PA3CRA, Eric/PA3DES, Phillip/PA3EPV, and Andre/PA0JR will be active from June 23th until July 6th, as 9H3IE, 9H3ON, 9H3TD, 9H3TE, 9H3UJ, 9H3UK, 9H3WA and 9H3WH, respectively. The eight operator team will be active on 80-2 meters and 70 cms, including satellite operation. Operations (if possible) will be around the clock on the usual DX frequencies. From 1900-2100z, the group will be on 14180 and 18140 kHz during a Dutch net. They will be operating from the town of Sliema (Grid JM75FV and IOTA EU-023). All QSLs direct via CBA or Dutch QSL bureau. QSLs can also be sent through their club PI4KGL, P.O. Box 1126, 2340 BCOEGSTGEEST, The Netherlands. BS7, SCARBOROUGH REEF. Your editor was told in Dayton by a well-known DXer not to report on the specifics on this one. But since most of all the DX bulletins have reported that another DXpedition to Scarborough Reef could take place in October 1996 (ed. I was told later!) when the typhoon seasons ends, I figured I would join in on the fun reporting the possibility of an operation. CANADIAN IOTA ISLANDS. John, N6JM, will be active from the following islands with a vertical on 10-80 meters: Anticosti Island NA-077 (July 1-3rd), an island from the Newfounlands Coast Group NA-198 (July 9/10th) and La Madeleine Island NA-038 (July 20/21). CY0AA (SABLE DXPEDITION) FINAL UPDATE. Preparations for this operation continue to proceed on time and on schedule. Mike, VE9AA, will be the first arrival on the island. The CY0AA operation should begin on June 18th. The second group (WA8JOC & W9OEH) will then begin additional activity for another 9 to 10 days on June 24th, and all 3 stations will be active until July 3rd in the early morning. The band plan has now been updated to include 432 Mhz also. Look for them on the standard HF split frequencies, and on VHF, 50.110, or if a second station is needed on 6 meters at the same time. Due to multiple Es openings, the second frequency of 50.225 may be used. QSL information will be repeated periodically. Please LISTEN to the operators instructions. QSLs for 160-10 meters will go to WD8SDL, and for any VHF (2,4,6,70cm and satellite QSOs, cards should be sent to VE9AA. They ask that all cards go direct, with SASE (Canadian stamp etc. for VHF cards) required. Bureau cards will be handled but at a lower priority, and will most probably be of a lesser quality than direct QSLs. Turnaround time for bureau cards will try to be kept under a year. ADDED NOTE: OPDX InterNet subscribers will receive an additional bulletin containing the complete news release. Also, check out their WEB site at: JD1, MINAMI TORISHIMA. The DX News Sheets report that JG8NQJ will return to here on July 15th for a 3 month stay as JG8NQJ/JD1. QSL via JA8CJY. KH5 & KH5K, PALMYRA/JARVIS ISLAND AND KINGMAN REEF. The Northern Portugal DX Group report rumors from Hawaii stating that a DXpedition to Palmyra (KH5) and Kingman Reef (KH5K) is in the works. For now the operators are in the planning phase and are facing the first major problem of getting the very difficult permission to land on Kingman Reef. (UPDATES to OPDX are very appreciated.) NEW DX USENET GROUP NOW ACTIVE. Add the following new UseNet group "" to your reading list. Check it out! OOPS DEPARTMENT. In last week's bulletin, we reported that cards for VQ9DX should go to AA6DX (WRONG!). VQ9DX cards go via AA5DX. P5, NORTH KOREA. Sanyi, HA7VK (ex-XU7VK, XU95HA), is currently in Phenjan, North Korea at the Hungarian Embassy and has contacted several North Korean officials, reports the following: "At present time there is absolutely no chance to get an amateur radio license in North Korea. They will not even talk about a permission to operate." Sanyi has also spoken to BZ1HAM and other Chinese operators in Beijing, who have tried to pursue the same thing, but they have received the same results. SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS...... Look for two stations (TM1V and TM8OV) to be active for the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Verdun (1st World War). They will be active on all bands SSB from June 10-16th. QSL TM1V via F5NPS and TM8OV via F5REQ. YM21HCS and YM22HCS are special stations to commeorate the United Nations Conference on Habitat 2 in Istanbul. HCS means Habitat City Summit. YM21HCS is located on the European side of Istanbul and YM22HCS is located on the Asian side in Istanbul. Opearators are members of TA1KB (European side club station) and TA2KK (Asian side club station). JA1IDY was able to join the group's operation at YM22HCS from June 3-4th during his stay while participating in Habitat 2. Activity of these stations will last until June 14th. QSL via TA2BK or via the bureau. SV8, AEGEAN ISLANDS (GREECE). The Island News (News and Views for Radio Amateur Island Hunter, published twice each month) reports Vitto, I3BQC, will be active from the island called Samos (IOTA EU-049) and possibly other islands in the area June 20th to July 5th as SV8/I3BQC. QSL via CBA. TRANSATLANTIC CHALLENGE. To assist in the study of transatlantic VHF propagation, a test beacon will operate from the SW coast of Ireland from Sunday 9th June 1996, for a period of aproximately 3 months. The beacon's callsign is EI3DP/P, operating on 144.480 MHz (CW) and running 25 watts with a 8 element Quagi at 20 ft, pointing at USA/Canada. Beacon transmissions are every 60 seconds sending "TEST DE EI3DP/P EI3DP/P EI3DP/P QTH IO41XP. Any station in USA/Canada which monitors the transmission and wishes to attempt a two way QSO is invited to telephone a paging receiver number +353 1 2032371. This will give a bureau service with Alphanumeric message service. The station operator Jim Ryan, EI3DP, will appreciate any reports from stations who may monitor the transmission. Home address as per callbook. Tel: (home +353 21 632365) (work) +353 21 504744 ZL8RI KERMADEC ISLAND DXPEDITION WRAP-UP... Al, WA3YVN, provided OPDX with a detailed fax of the ZL8RI operation. The ZL8RI team consisting of Ken/ZL2HU (Leader), Lee/ZL2AI, Chris/ZL2DX, Ron/ZL2TT, Peter/ZL3GQ, Bin/JA3ENU and Al/WA3YVN were able to make 34,000 QSOs including 1,439 on RTTY and 303 on 160 meters. The QSO breakdown was: 54.6% SSB, 41.2% CW and 4.2% RTTY. This accomplishment was done despite a day of strong gale winds which damaged their 160 meter antenna a few days before leaving. They also had a generator fail, and it could not be repaired. Violent weather also played a big part on their trip there and back. The sailing ship the "EVOHE" lost one of two engines on the trip back to New Zealand which made some of the operators have doubts whether or not the ship would make it back on its own power. In all, the ZL8RI DXpedition was a big success, and the DX community is very appreciative of their hard work to provide many with a new one! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPDX INTERNET SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE REQUEST: OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME (provided by John, K8YSE): -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to one of the two following addresses: -or- - OR - Send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA - OR - Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 216-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111"). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP" leave your voice message or FAX. /EXIT